
Showing posts from 2010


This was a short story i entered in for a contest thanks to Joanna who inspired me to... too bad i entered late and did not win the prize, but it grew my guts in a funny way, so please read and let me have your feedback. ….For the umpteenth time she screamed “I am sick of this”. Rolling up her sleeves, she begins to type again, it was one of her many letters to the stranger. Hillary walks in unnoticed, while covering her mouth to hide her mocking laughter; she pushes Tami from behind; Girlfriend, don’t you think you are taking this letter thing a little too far? Not in the least, Tami retorted, pissed at the interruption. You just don’t get it gal! Oh ok, I get it, this stranger is the one who gets to hear what your pain in the ass beau can’t right? Get real dear; you have to choose between these two worlds, and FAST!! Am outta hear Tam, I can’t stand your drama. Tami begins to play back memories, wondering how she got here and where it all began to lose steam and get her this wea...


I see a little girl child, her innocence, her naivety, her trust in her environ and the people around her, her smile warms mine and i reach out to touch her chubby cheeks as i cant help but smile back. It brings back memories of when my own life was that simple, food, play and sleep were my art and everyone was my least that was what i believed. The irony is some perverted minds see the same sweet child, they do not think warmth and love, the think of her as a girl wired to meet their lustful needs. I cannot get my head around it, i cannot get over it, every time i hear of child rape, molestation or abuse, my heart cries out for the innocence that has been stolen and cannot be bought back even with the most colorful dresses and toys. It is robbery, it is brutal and we must discourage it anyhow we can. To every parent, please never get too busy to notice details of in child's life, to every nanny, house help/maid, realize that you are as responsible as the parent in def...


THINGS WE LOST IN THE FIRE Saw a movie with this title and it caught my interest. The actress said, ‘the things we lost in the fire are just things, as long as we have each other’. Just a few hours later, I hear of the tragic death of over 30 people (not accurate as yet) in an accident that led to a fire that further led to their untimely demise. It got me thinking, we lose our credentials or important documents in a fire and we grieve at the loss, but how do you grieve at the loss of human lives that set out to have a normal day and met their death because of the greed and carelessness of a few men. I am pained and I thought to share it on my blog and reiterate what I always say, we bother about money, status, career……they are just things, as long as we have each other. Appreciate the life you have today and the people you have to share it with as well as the creator who made it possible. My heart goes out to the families affected and I pray for comfort and ask that we all brace up a...


WHO HAS THE THIRD CORD??? Alone I had fought, sometimes I won and many times in this battle of life I lost. I lost to anger, envy, bitterness, hate, carnality…..the list goes on. At some other times I was just a victim of hate, unjust critics, assault, abuse… So whether it was my own doing or not, I lost, I fell, I slipped. Then I heard the preacher say….It is not good to be alone! Alas! That was my problem. So I found him. He made the burden easier; I could lean on the willing shoulders and weep in the available arms. I could laugh and have it shared by another, the whole experience was exciting and different, it grew my strength, my belief and even when I lost, it felt better. With time, the pressure in this battlefield called life heat “us” so hard, and even though we stood back-to-back the storms were closing in on us, together we were losing, slipping, afraid and alone. I realized even though he was with me, he was man like me, so we suffered the same fate. Then I heard the preach...


WHEN I STOPPED LOOKING, HE STARTED DOING I had come across this hurdle before; I knew the smell of it, the look of it, even the feel. So I did what I knew to do, I called on Him like He said I should when I lost my way, or when the load got too heavy, he promised he could bear it, so I went to sleep knowing He could do the damage control. First thing the next morning, I awake and there it is, the hurdle, still as painful, irritating, challenging, controlling, scary and I thought to myself, why did he not take this away, I can’t do this anymore. In my state of disappointment, I go on like that, struggling, maneuvering, just to make sure I could live with it since I got myself here and He is not helping as I was taught he will when I call. I lost faith in trying, daring, I had gotten accustomed to the pain, or so I thought. Then I heard the message again saying I could cast it all on Him. In my desperation I took a seat and I had Him seat, at least that is what I felt He did as I looked ...


HE LOVED, TILL I LOVED. The words of wisdom kept playing back, I had spoken it time and time again, and at a time when I thought I had the answers and knew the script. I just couldn’t see a way through the mess no matter how many times I said the words; it wasn’t always like this… The choices were countless, the opportunities innumerable. Faces, voices, sizes and vices all differed, yet I found not one amidst the crowd, not even one! Weird, strange, confused, obsessed, such as these was I known as at the time, but in my mind’s eye I was a 'She' to someone somewhere and I lived my dream not wanting to fear that I lost the cause, the path I had chosen and had become entrapped in. I thought; it won’t always be like this… Would have sworn it wasn’t me, the pain tore through all my very being and the words failed me. Was convinced I was beyond recovery till He showed up. Suddenly, I knew I won’t always feel like this… Would have screamed at the thought of treading the very grounds t...


To be "Able" is to have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill, time, money or opportunity to do something. To be "Faithful" in this context is to be loyal, true, not changing any of the details, facts, style etc of the original. For as much history as i know, i can tell that since the days of the Lewinsky issue vs white house, no man's infidelity has shocked the world like that of the man that inspired this write up....Tiger Woods. His wasn't the first case of a man looking outside his home to gratify his longings. What made his case different? I think it was the fact that when we looked at him we saw everything that was right with the world, career focused from an early age, striving and eventually gaining mastery of his art, falling in love and having a home with his love, in summary he was Perfect Golfer+perfect husband& father= perfect man. This is the kind of man the world models after, so much so we forget with each life come...


Do you ever wonder why? It is so easy to pick an unhealthy habit,difficult to quit. Yet strenuous to pick a healthy habit at all and easy to drop. So easy to break a heart, yet loving takes time and processes. Saying a prayer to the one who gave you life in 5 minutes seems like forever, but leading the day's chat/gist with friends for 5 hours comes naturally with excitement. The truth is hard to tell many times but a good lie comes in handy. Love that seemed so true, real and genuine turns sour and is replaced with harsh words and hateful actions. It is convenient to give things to people that you no longer need. Extremely tough to give something that will cost you. A wicked man can look at another like himself and take his life; irony is he cant even mold a tooth! Beautiful days end so quickly. But, sad and boring days drag on unending. No matter the hurt suffered in the face of love and the betrayal that comes with it; one still learns to love again. It is so difficult ...


...May i stick to all that i believe in, even in the midst of choking distractions, may i hold on to my integrity. That i never stop giving no matter what it costs. ...That i leave a legacy of Godliness, good character, hard work, talent and achievements for generations to come. ...That i strive to do all i know to do in a way that no one else has. May i never forget to laugh, play and sing melodious tunes. ...That i may love back all who love me, and those who do not; strength to love them as well,i pray. ...Most of all, that i stay strong through the storms of life with each day been a celebration of all that makes life worth living. AMEN! TOYIN SETH-OGUNGBEMI(nee MAKUN) 5TH MAY, 2007.


Often times the words of the song by Mariah Carey n boys to men in the 90s comes to mind....."Sorry i never told you, all i wanted to say and now is too late to hold you, you re so far away..." It reminds me how i hurt thinking of the many things i didn't tell my beloved cousin before i lost her. We are all guilty of taking for granted the people we see everyday, cos the believe is there is always a tomorrow. We will rather, beef, backbite, hurt each other than commend each other. but, my question is, what if tomorrow doesn't come? I think, we should end the cold war, reach out hug our loved ones, tell a pretty lady how good she looks, tell that boy how proud of him you are, tell the woman not to lose hope, tell him he is your hero. So to the fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters,friends, acquaintances, family, or even strangers, say something enriching, you may never know whose life you made a difference in. Sow good words today, sometimes tomorrow never comes....


I often hear ladies ask one another.... "Is he the one?" as in the right person? So i think that is where the problem begins. Who is the right person? tall, dark and handsome, the similitude of Prince charming in the Cinderella story? Someone who will make your heart beat faster? someone whose smile can take your breath away? I beg to differ, maybe because i have seen case of supposedly rite person+ rite person= bad marriage,terrible home while wrong person+wrong person= good home and healthy marriage. Could it be that the two "wrong people" showed the right actions towards each other and ended up with a happy home and the two right people thought it was okay to be right for each other and did not sow good actions to each other? My conclusion, when it comes to relationships and marriages, i will suggest the ladies tone down on the"fantasy man" search and look to be found by the one who treats you right and shows you regard and is willing to be by you a...


Trapped in the body of a child he was daring, endearing and mature, his passion, love, dreams and ideas felt just right. The world felt next to perfect and all around who cared to watch criticized first, got amused next and eventually cheered this young wonder, life was beautiful and loving was fulfilling as she fit into the puzzle amazingly well. She didn’t mean to disrupt the puzzle, she just wanted to be a part of it; then it happened, the child and the man started to war as she had awoken the two without realizing and had become the centre of their world. The child threw tantrums and made excuses for every lapse; humor and mockery were the tools in his game and they made for good sport, or so he thought till the man showed up. The man exuded confidence, character, and vision coated with arrogance. He thrived in challenges and took giant strides in building dreams. Giving up humor, pursuing hard work and mockery birthed cunning ploys. Mastering the art was easy; playing the ...