They told me I could sing the house down; then I sang. They said if I read up some more I will be the next big thing; then I read. They said if only I had more panache; I mastered it. They said if I were taller, fairer, darker, thicker etc. They thought they could define, restrain and conform me to their limited minds.…they lost me there. Amidst who they made me to be, I couldn’t find who I set out to be. I wanted to dance till my feet hurt, I wanted to sing and then I didn’t want to anymore. I wanted to build castles and I was ready to work to learn how to. I wanted to light up a room when I walked in and slide in through the back on other days. I wanted to speak before Kings and have them take notes, I wanted to curl up on my bed and read myself to sleep too. I wanted to find faith and walk in it, I wanted to fail on my own terms and find faith again. Here I was, sitting, counting the opportunities I missed and the ones I shouldn’t have. Living backwards, defeated b...
Showing posts from June, 2017